Masonic Law isĀ a rule of fraternal conduct, and applies only to the moral and fraternal rectitude of its members. It is based upon the law of Divine Revelation, therefore, any covenant, affirmation, declaration, assumption, prescription, or requirement derogatory thereto, or in conflict therewith, is void.
I’m here to defend the witness, Mr. Oswald Osbourne.
It is the diary of an illuminated masonic madman
What does the skull imagery represent?
The Italians made charts of illuminated freemasonry
the skull seems to be the symbol of their yale death cult
these are the stairs ozzy seems to be singing about
the illuminati are ever hovering for masons who turn to the dark side….the 33rd degree is their last chance to deny the CHrist and serve the devil
how do we prove our house is haunted?
26 million for unconfirmed haunted house in vancouver
i laid the serpents egg that hatched in Yale.
George “Dubya” is our poster boy/ scape goat with no real power
The witness has rights.
I’m scared Poppy. I’m scared.
you are an excellent lawyer Michael